Category Archives: Patrick

Christ Has Risen

Christ Has Risen


This morning, after a sound sleep, I awoke whereby my immediate thought was to say a simple prayer of gratitude to Christ and acknowledge the unique and significant meaning of His resurrection.

It is by way of His resurrection that our faith in Christ rests. If there is no truth to the resurrection of Christ, then the faith in Him is all for naught. This singular moment some two thousand years ago marks the pinnacle and epoch of what the purpose and defining meaning of Jesus. He overcome sin and death, whereby He reconciles us to the Father.

If we were to take some time to reflect upon the full scope and magnitude of what He has accomplished by His life, death and resurrection, I content that it certainly would change not only our perceptions of life, but how we act towards those we come in contact with on a daily basis.

At some point in time, we too will take part within His resurrection as well. The depth and mystery of the love that God has for us and the awesomeness of that reality by way of what the resurrection truly means, I find to be overwhelmingly, wondrously staggering.

May this Easter season be filled with love, peace and also a deep sense of inner joy at the salvation Christ has enacted on our behalf!



Hello & Welcome

Hello and make yourself welcome!

As you can see, Saintland is getting a new coat so to speak. It will be a few days or so until everything is back in tip top shape.

Thank you for your patience and please keep me within your prayers.

With warm regards,
