Mission Statement


My reason for creating Saintland came out of a sense of gratitude to God’s providential care and merciful kindness to me when some years ago when I was going through my own distinctive “Veil of Tears”.

Life often is filled with a myriad of innumerable challenges with which often can seem as if we were within a furious storm upon the tempestuous seas.

Though the path that we find ourself is often fraught with a myriad of sufferings, pains, fears and sorrows, we should hold fast to our faith in Christ. He is the Good Sheppard who will never leave us, in spite of ourselves. That is the mystery of His unconditional love for each and every individual.

There is profound truth to the saying that “life is difficult”. Yet, the deeper reality that needs to be acknowledged is that there is also always hope. Hope is at the very core of what it means to be one who follows Christ. Our hope is grounded in the One who overcame suffering, sin and death itself!

The Good News is that it is by way of His love, a sacrificial love that He freely gave His very life in order to redeem us from sin and death that we are called to follow Him. He calls each one of us into a relationship with Him, through which He leads us to know His Father and the Spirit of Love itself.

When Christ spoke the parable of the prodigal son, it was one which alludes to all of us. We should always recall it was the Father who went looking for His beloved son before the son thought to return home. By way of the graces given to us through His Church, we can we be assured of the balm with which God so mercifully and tenderly pour forth upon us.

God is love. It is out of love for us that the Father sent His only Son to become man, so as to reveal to us what it means to love. Love is sacrificial, for it seeks not its own good, but the good and welfare of the loved.

We are loved by God. Christ taught us by way of His teachings and through His action. His ultimate act of love is by way of His suffering and death on the cross. It was that act of salvation which reconciles us to the Father and restores what we lost through our disobedience of pride and disobedience within the garden.

At the foot of the cross, Christ bestowed upon us His Mother. She is ever attentive to our needs and necessities. We are to turn to Her, as well as to God’s host of angelic choirs and myriads of saints. Blessed Mary, the angels and saints intercede on our behalf and seek to draw us closer to union with Him. We but have to ask for their assistance in all we need.

God made us for Himself. Our ultimate end is to be forever untied in love with Him, along with the entirety of the communion of angles and saints in eternity. Yet, we have been given the gift of free will. We have the freedom to choose to follow as His disciple. The choice is ours alone.

Yes, life is difficult and fraught with heartaches, sufferings and the storms that assails us, but in truth we are not alone and abandoned. Christ, Our Lady, the faithful angels and steadfast saints are ever here to aid and support us.

We have but ask.

Scripture relates the account of the Apostles traversing with Christ in a boat, when a great storm arose. Jesus was asleep, while the Apostles were frantic and terrified as the waves cascaded the boat and filled it with water. It was then that the Apostles woke Jesus from His slumber, calling for Him to save them.

He rebuked the wind and said to the waters, “Peace. Be Still.” (Mark 4:35-39)

It is Christ who calms our seas.
